15+ Things To Do After Installing Termux – Advanced Coding

Things To Do After Installing “TERMUX – The Terminal Emulator for Android Device is a popular as well as a very useful tool for the cyber security professionals. The TERMUX works same as the Terminals in Linux Systems. So, if you want to be a cyber security professional or if you have come to this field as a beginner, and installed the TERMUX App on your Android Phone, then Read this full guide & install some most important tools on your hacking machine. If you face any problem understanding all the commands & other staffs related to TERMUX, then you can also watch my practical video on this topic.

How To Install Termux on Any Android Device?

So, Before starting anything, I want to inform you that the TERMUX App found in the Google Play Store, is no longer receiving updates from Termux Team. So I don’t think you should Download it. Instead, Download it from the F-Droid Application.

How To Install Termux From F-Droid Application?

Now to install the Termux application from the F-Droid application, you need to have the F-Droid app installed on your android device, and I hope you have already installed that, but if you have not installed the F-Droid app on your phone yet, you can proceed for the installation by downloading the F-Droid apk from the  F Droid website.

Then Open the F-Droid Application after installation, and search for Termux on the search box of the F-Droid application. And once you find the application, just click on that and install.

Termux will easily be installed on your phone then.

How To Install Termux From F-Droid Website?

This is my favorite method to install Termux on any android phone directly from the F-Droid website, without installing the F-Droid app.

And if you also want to install termux on your phone like this method, you can proceed for the installation part by just Downloading the termux apk from the web link provided below-

Once you click on the link above, Termux will start downloading automatically. However, if you are reading this article significantly later than its posting date, you should click on the following link. There may be a new version of Termux available on the website, so please use the web link provided below to download the latest APK from that website.

🚩Download Termux From F-Droid – F-Droid Termux Page

Now, while downloading from the f-droid termux page, you should check one thing before. There will be a “suggested” tag, which highlights the latest version of termux, so once you find it, you can go ahead to click on “Download APK” button.

And once you download the APK of Termux, just open it and install.

If you are not able to install the application properly, you proceed with the video tutorial mentioned below:

Things To Do After Installing Termux

What To Do After Installing Termux on Android? Here I am going to share with you some useful tools that you must install on your Termux Application. These tools are very essential for a person who wants to make his career on ethical hacking or cyber security. Moreover these tools can also help all the rising programmers who wants to start his or her journey with their android devices. So follow the following tools, and make your termux full of most essential tools.

1. Update & Upgrade Termux

The first & the most important thing is to update & upgrade your TERMUX repositories and its packages. So, in order to update & upgrade your TERMUX, follow the command below:

apt update && apt upgrade -y //you can use "pkg" instead of "apt"

2. Setup Storage for TERMUX

Now the second thing is to assign storage location for TERMUX. Just follow the command below:


3. Install WGET and Curl on Termux: 

(A) WGET: This package helps us to download files from the web servers via HTTP or HTTPS or FTP. Install this tool using the following command:

apt install wget

How to use wget ?

wget -O terraform.zip https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.12.<strong>2</strong>/terraform_0.12.2_linux_amd64.zip


wget [options] [URL]

(B) CURL: CURL is a computer software project providing a library and command-line tool for transferring data using various network protocols. Hit the following bash command to install it on termux:

apt install curl

How to use curl?

curl [options] [URL]

🤦‍♂️But instead of installing them separately with two commands, we can install them by using a single command:

apt install wget curl

4. Install Git on Termux:

This is one of the best things to do after installing termux

GIT : Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is often use to clone repositories from GitHub , of a new package into your Linux or Termux System.  Use the following command to install git:

apt install git

How to use git ?

git clone &lt;GitHub Repository&gt;

5. Install Text Editor on Termux: 

NANO & VIM: These are two text editors for Linux Systems. Now apply the following commands on your TERMUX & enjoy these tools.

apt install nano vim

6. Install Zip & Unzip on Termux:

Termux also provides us various amazing features, and one of them is to compress and extract compressed files on android device using some simple commands in the termux terminal. And to use this feature, we need to have zip & unzip installed on our termux, so use the following command to install these tools:

apt install zip unzip

4. Install Python, Ruby & Go Language in TERMUX

Install these most important programming language in your TERMUX machine. All these languages are very important whether you are using it for ethical hacking or programming. You can use the following commands to install them.

apt install python python2 python3 // in most cases python2 & python3 is required
apt install ruby
apt install golang
Want to install C/C++ on Termux?

Things To Do After Installing Termux

5. How to be anonymous in Termux?

Install Tor in TERMUX by using the command below:

apt install tor

How to be anonymous on termux? Watch

6. Install Nmap & Apache2 Server:

Nmap : The Network Mapper is also a very useful tool for ethical hacking. So I think you should not avoid it.
Apache : The server for hosting your web pages in your localhost.

Use the following commands to install these two packages:

apt install nmap
apt install apache2

7. Install OpenJDK-17 (JAVA) on Termux:
Want to try Java Programs on your Termux? Then you must install openJDK-17 on your machine. You can install it by using :

apt install openjdk-<strong>17</strong>

8. Install NodeJS (JavaScript) on Termux:

If you want to start your web development journey on your android phone, then using NodeJS on termux can help you learning and trying JavaScript on your android phone.

apt install nodejs

Here is a full tutorial on using NodeJS on Termux. 👉Check Now

9. Install Mono (.NET Framework) on Termux:

Mono, sponsored by Microsoft, is a popular open source software to easily design cross-platform applications, using this language, you can implement .NET Framework to create amazing cross-platform application for windows.

apt install mono

10. Install PHP on Termux:

I don’t think I should say anything about PHP, it is not only an amazing programming language to design and create amazing webpages. In fact, for cyber enthusiasts, it is must.

apt install php

Things To Do After Installing Termux

11. Install openssh Termux:

A premier connectivity tool for remote login with system using the SSH protocol.

apt install openssh

12. Install Ngrok on Termux

Ngrok – an lifesaving tool for programmers as well as hackers. People use this tool to serve a local website in the internet with a very minimal effort. Mostly, you can host your own website on the internet, by using this tool.

But Ngrok can’t be installed with a single command, it needs some efforts. So please watch the following video (I suggest):

13. Install slowloris Termux:

Slowloris, DoS Hacking tool for termux with a low bandwidth, rewritten in Python.

apt install slowloris

14. Install TMux in Termux:

TMux, A terminal multiplexer for Termux or Linux Terminal. You can easily switch between multiple terminals on your termux. Make your Termux terminal look professional using this tool’s terminal splitting feature.

apt install tmux

15. Install Tool-X in Termux:

Tool-X, a storehouse of almost 300 popular hacking tools, specially designed for the Termux. Install this tool to use all the available hacking tools inside this package by just a single click. But installing this tool needs some efforts, so please follow the commands carefully, and if you find any issue, you can watch the video tutorial mentioned above as “Things To Do After Installing Termux PART2” or you can click here to watch the video.

apt update
git clone https://github.com/marista78/toolx.git
cd toolx
chmod +x install.aex
./install.aex  //press Y and hit enter, and it will be installed.
Tool-X //to start toolx(case sensitive)

There are some more tool mentioned in the video. And I deeply suggest you to watch the video to get all important things to do after installing Termux. 

Packages, that are left to cover in this article:
METASPLOITIP TRACERSEEKERNIKTOF-SOCIETYREDHWAKSQLMAPNUCLEI, etc. But all these are covered separately in the Advanced Coding YouTube Channel.So, these are the things that you must do after installing the Termux on your system. There may be some more on this topic. So please come back to this post after a few days. I think I will update it & include some more important & useful things for you. Thank You

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